Zoning & Development


Cortland City planning and zoning regulations are included in Chapter 11 of the city's Codified Ordinances.

Planning, Building & Zoning Commission

The Planning, Zoning, and Building Commission shall have such powers and duties as are conferred upon it by the laws of Ohio and meet the 2nd Monday each month at 7:00 at the City Administration Building, 400 N High St.

Zoning Permits

Under the provisions of the City of Cortland Zoning Ordinance section 1131.02, no land shall be used or occupied and no land shall be excavated or graded and no building or other structure shall be erected, structurally altered, added to or moved until a zoning permit shall have been issued in conformance with the provisions of the ordinance by the Zoning Administrator/Service Director.  Within business, commercial and industrial districts, zoning permits are required for new buildings, additions to existing buildings, fences and signage.  Within residential districts, zoning permits are required for new dwellings, additions to dwellings, additions to attached garages, detached garages, sheds fences, decks, patios, gazebos, above ground and below ground swimming pools.  It is requested that property owners please contact the Service Director at 330-637-4637 prior to the start of any new construction project.