Water & Sewer


The City of Cortland provides water to its residents. The city receives its drinking water from seven wells. Four of the wells are located in Willow Park, two behind City Hall and one on Bradley-Brownlee Road. We draw our water from a limestone aquifer approximately 300 feet deep. We have a current, unconditioned license to operate our water system. Currently our only treatment is fluoridation and chlorination.

Sanitary Sewer:
The Service Department is responsible for the wastewater collection system for the City of Cortland. Most of the older portion of the city’s collection system operates by gravity flow while many of the newer sections have lift stations. Lift stations are facilities designed to move wastewater from lower to higher elevation. This is necessary where the elevation is not sufficient for gravity flow. The lift stations are two pump systems so that there is a back-up and have monitoring equipment that notify the city when there are malfunctions. City wastewater is treated by the Trumbull County Sanitary Engineer at the Mosquito Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant located in Howland. The city is charged monthly on the volume that is treated and also shares in capital costs for the treatment facility.

Storm Sewer:
Storm Water Runoff flows to Mosquito Lake or Mosquito Creek. The city has a mutual agreement with Trumbull County Soil and Water Conservation District for enforcement and compliance of storm water regulations.