Water & Sewer
Our office is located in the City Administration Building at 400 North High Street and open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday (closed from 12:00 to 1:00 for lunch). You may reach us by calling 330-637-3916. Accepted forms of payment are cash, check, debit and credit card.
Our Autopay option is a service the city provides whereby bills are mailed to the residents during their normal billing cycles and the amount due is deducted from the individual’s bank account. The date the money is to be withdrawn is stated on the bill. If you wish to utilize the Autopay service, please click here.
In order to provide our customers with more convenient payment options, we are now accepting online bank withdrawal ACH payments as well as debit and credit card payments. Card payments are subject to a 2.5% fee based on the amount of the payment. Customers can pay in person at our office or online at cortlandoh.authoritypay.com. You may also sign up for eBilling. Establishing an account via that website will enable you to obtain account information about your past water consumption and previous payment history.
Please see this IMPORTANT NOTICE regarding payments with 3rd party vendors.
All daily payments are processed daily by 3:00 p.m. Payments can also be made after hours by placing them in the drop box located to the right of the front door. The box is locked and secure. Payments left there will be processed on the next business day.
Water service is billed at a rate per thousands of gallons. Sewer service is billed at a rate based on water consumption. Any account with sewer service but not water service through the city is billed according to Trumbull County sewer rates. Each account is also billed a storm sewer fee which supports the municipal storm sewer system program.
The city maintains approximately 3500 water/sewer accounts. These accounts are divided into three billing zones. Readings are taken at the first of the month. Bills are generated and mailed out on the first business day of the following month. The account numbers begin with a digit of 1, 2 or 3. Ex. If your account begins with a 1, you are in Billing Zone 1. Listed below are the billing zones and the months that each zone is billed.
Zone 1 January, April, July & October
Zone 2 February, May, August & November
Zone 3 March, June, September & December
*Business accounts are often billed monthly and are in Zone 4.
Residents who are moving out of a residence or have recently moved out are urged to contact our office immediately. A final reading will be scheduled and usage for that time period will be calculated and billed as soon as possible. New residents and customers who have changed addresses within the city must contact us as soon as possible. A processing fee of $15 will be charged to the first water/sewer bill following activation.
The city also offers a service for those residents who are gone during all or part of the winter. Our Winter Vacation Program suspends billing during the months that customers are away. Residents must present written consent to have their service shut off at the curb on a specific date (Monday through Friday). A written consent is also needed upon their return. Readings are still taken during the regular billing cycles, but usage is not billed until the next billing quarter after the resident has returned. The city asks that residents shut off the inside water valve at the meter. A $20.00 fee is charged to shut service off and another $20.00 to restore the service. These fees are billed separately from water bills. If you wish to utilize the Winter Vacation Program, please click here to have your service shut off and here to reinstate service.