Cortland Community Foundation

About the Cortland Community Foundation

The Cortland Community Foundation was established to support the Cortland Community. The Foundation's goal is to help the community grow and is independent of the City of Cortland. The Foundation provides a way for the community to support the goals and objectives of our city.

A few of the Foundation's projects include the following:

  • Safety City at Pearl Park  
  • Splash Pad at Pearl Park
  • Veterans Memorial at Point Park
  • Skatepark at Willow Park


Where does the money go?

Your contribution to the Cortland Community Foundation (CCF) will go into one of our designated funds. Your donation through the CCF helps with the mission of improving the Cortland community for its residents and visitors.

Safety Services - This fund will provide financial support to Cortland area safety services to purchase safety equipment which will increase efficiency and mitigate risks for our first responders.

Parks & Recreation - This fund will provide financial support to develop the community's recreational spaces and provide activities throughout our parks.

Downtown Revitalization - This fund will provide financial support to develop the downtown area and promote community recreational/entertainment programs.


Donate Now!

The Foundation has a variety of active projects which include Safety City at Pearl Park and a future recognition program that honors community members for their service to the area. Please consider making a donation now to support our active projects. Pledges can be made utilizing the links below. You may also consider making the Cortland Community Foundation a beneficiary of your estate. Designating a portion of your estate to the Foundation will allow your legacy to live on in the community. The Foundation will ensure your contribution is a part of something greater that benefits future generations.

If you would like to donate to the Cortland Community Foundation, please mail your donation to: 

Cortland Community Foundation
400 North High Street
Cortland Ohio 44410

Donations are tax deductible and checks should be made out to the "Cortland Community Foundation. Be sure to include your name and address and the purpose of the donation.


Last year we teamed up with the Community Foundation of Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio so we could provide a more secure and professional service to our community. They provide logistical support while the community maintains control over the projects we support. Additionally, they provide the ability to make donations via credit card or online. Donations are accepted for the following funds by the Community Foundation of Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio:

Downtown Revitalization Fund

Parks and Recreation Fund

Safety Services Fund

Community Growth Fund


Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us with any questions, comments, or concerns at HERE

Board of Directors:
Curt Moll
Dave Christner
Cara DeToro

Kathy Fleischer
Bev Hoagland

Don Moore
Charlie Peck